me and ying went Sunway for a walk
actually i wish to celebrate her birthday
but lastly, we just went there
spending our time with laugh and lame jokes
during the photo session,
we did a lot of stupid thingy inside
and i enjoyed it <3
after the photo session,
once we out from the shop,
we met a lot of catholic high school students
when we saw them, we laugh until non-stop
we had laughing non-stop for around two hours i think
we really tired
then we decided to have a sit
hard of us to decided something,
at last, we use scissors, paper, stone to help us decided
(did u guys saw someone standing middle of the road
and played scissors, paper, stone
just to decided what ice-cream to eat before?
we were the one who did it. xD)
after finished, we trying to do some stupid thing
but we failed
we ate our "lunch" around 5
some funny thing happened during it
that's a guy called Raymond came towards us
and said
"hi girls, my name is Raymond.
You're very pretty. Can i do your friend? "
and our respond in our mind is
"what the hell?! weird guy"
both of us keep laughing non-stop
and no one bother him
and he just went away
the last two photo when we are waiting for my mum.
and we end up our day with a funny look.
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