
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

why everyone likes to make promises but lastly they gonna to break it?
then what's the purpose for you to make a promise.
you know what?
atthe moment when you make the promise,
the person will fully believe with it.
but lastly, you break it again
when you break it,
you already pushing someone down from heaven to the hell!
do you get what i mean?
because of that,
you did make the person can't forget the moment when you promise at all
sometimes, it also make a person can't stand anymore
do know know how funny and how dumb when a person,
waiting for you to achieve your promises?

having some discussion with sisters
it did make me going to kill people
and what, we met the same problem
what i wanna to say is
"just stay up and shut up when you can achieve what you going to promise"

this post doesn't aiming anyone
if you think i m talking about you, then that's YOU!
it is even about about myself?


与情绝缘 正如朋友说的
无论 友情 亲情 爱情 都一点都不实际
一点都不可靠 让自己迷失自己

但最总不能绝缘的是 舞蹈
唯有舞蹈 让我感觉到自己
陶醉在 舞蹈世界当中
短短的时间内 为何一切一切的变化这么大
是因为 假期呆在家 没与世界接触吗?
我发现 所有所以为的 当真的 曾经的
统统都像乌云一样 消失了

或许 幻想能满足暂时性的满足
但 它却是恶梦的开始
也就此因为这样 我的恶梦也不曾停顿过
一连串的 伤痛 失眠 统统出现
多次想过 “与情绝缘” 但一次又一次的不忍心
哎 我不需要解释 不需要‘借口’
一分钟 一小时 一天 一个月 一年
我都不介意 对我而言
我并不在乎 天长地久 只在乎曾经拥有
也许此刻 幻想又再次开始了

sometimes when you're not in your own country
you are with someone that you totally don't know
you will be more enjoy
cause all problems will just stay in your own place
they won't be following you to another place :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

it's hard for us to take a picture together
and what,that's the only picture that i took with my sisters
since i leave da zhi, i didn't really contact with them
sometimes i did feel that i m left out
but what, no choice, who called me to quit da zhi?
back to topic, i just chatting with them
guess what? we are chatting about GUYS
but we are not chatting about how leng zai are they?how good are they?
we are chatting about, HOW GUYS HURT US.
omg! i found out that, we nearly meet the same thing
i don't feel like typing out what are we discuss, how hurt are we
but i think we will be strong
(girls, remember the slogan "QIANG")
seriously, kinda pissed off when discuss about it
PS: sis, remember no matter how, i will still be with you guys♥
*it reminds me about him again, and i still don't feel like give up!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

now having holiday
what i can say now is,
my holidays are full! :/
i wish to have more holidays!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

回忆 对我来说总是美好的
但 有时 它却成了我的致命伤口
或许把所有回忆给忘了 对我 对你 却是好处
我想是时候 这么做
虽然我不想 但我必须
不想它 成为我和你的 烦恼

*心中的某个角落 仍有保存你存在的地方
要是 时光能倒流的话
其实 该从何处说起
一大堆 不开心 烦恼 总是说不出口
想找人来说诉 往往向电话一看
顿时 脑海就浮现 “ 算了吧!”
可是 有时却是有话难言
最近 竟然毫无原因的发脾气
对自己 也开始厌倦了
不想说话 也不想再发泄了
在嘴角 缝着两条线
狠狠地往上拉 那笑容就永远不会消失了